PhD Student(Alumni)
University Freiburg Medical Centre
Center of Chronic Immunodeficiency (CCI)
- +49 (0) 761 / 270-77730
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2010 - 2016 | PhD student in the lab of PD Dr. Alexandra Nieters, Centre of Chronic Immunodeficiency (CCI), University Freiburg Medical Centre |
2007 - 2008 | Master of Science in Molecular Medicine, Institute of Endemic Diseases, University of Khartoum, Sudan |
2002 | Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery, University of Khartoum, Sudan |
1995 - 2002 | Study of Medicine and Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Khartoum, Sudan |
- Elgizouli, M., Logan, C., Nieters, A., Brenner, H., & Rothenbacher, D. (2015). Cord Blood PRF1 Methylation Patterns and Risk of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections in Infants: Findings From the Ulm Birth Cohort. Medicine, 94(1), e332.
- Yahia, Z. A., Adam, A. A., Elgizouli, M., Hussein, A., Masri, M. A., Kamal, M., … & Ibrahim, M. E. (2014). Epstein Barr virus: a prime candidate of breast cancer aetiology in Sudanese patients. Infectious Agents and Cancer, 9(1), 9.
- Łuczyńska, A., Logan, C., Nieters, A., Elgizouli, M., Schöttker, B., Brenner, H., & Rothenbacher, D. (2014). Cord blood 25 (OH) D levels and the subsequent risk of lower respiratory tract infections in early childhood: the Ulm birth cohort. European Journal of Epidemiology, 29(8), 585-594