PhD Student
University of Freiburg
Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
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2020 - present | PhD student in the lab of Prof. Dr. Manfred Jung, Institute Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Freiburg |
2019 | 3rd State-accredited Examination (3.Staatsexamen) and Pharmaceutical License (Approbation) |
2019 | Diploma grade in Pharmacy (Dipl. Pharm.), University of Freiburg |
2019 | Research stay in the lab of Prof. Christopher J. Schofield, University of Oxford, UK |
2018 - 2019 | Pharmacist in practical training, Freiburg |
2018 | 2nd State-accredited Examination (2.Staatsexamen) |
2016 | 1st State-accredited Examination (1.Staatsexamen) |
2014 - 2018 | Pharmaceutical Studies, University of Freiburg |
- Staudt M. and Jung M. (2021) Hypoxia-activated KDAC inhibitor: Taking a breath from untargeted therapy. Cell Chem Biol 28, 1255-1257.